perfection in proportion

perfection INproportion - soley with cameraOBSCURA \ PINHOLE photography

goetzROGGE mixes this fact with balanced and unbalanced straylight, photogramms, stereoscopy, multiexposure, shadow painting.


you visit a country which language you don't speak. heading into the countryside for your artwork you set up camp. your tent is also your cameraOBSCURA for the time being. the next day you prepare your tent for total darkness and lock yourself in it. in very warm humid pitch black you cut and hang the photo paper sweating and dripping in your dark universe, onto your white silver halogenoid photo paper. you open the pinhole and sit inside for several exposing hours, while the sun is shining right into the soundtrack of nature that accompanies you. after several days out in the middle of nowhere a hiker reaches your tent while you're exposing in it. he cannot avoid the conversation with the tent he doesn't understand ... nor can the photo paper avoid drips as part of your creative understanding.




BOEHMERS private public life - closed open culture A R T,IT'sEVERYTHING